Ministers of Care

Ministry to the Sick & Homebound


Ministers of Care are specially trained and commissioned lay people who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound of St. Mary's. Ministers of Care visit Lake Forest Hospital, local nursing homes, and parishioners’ homes.

Ministers of Care are the living witness that St. Mary's has not forgotten the absent sick, the invisible elderly, and unseen sufferers. A Minister of Care is a sign that God is and wants to be with them.

Please let us know if there is someone who is confined to their home and unable to attend Mass with us in our church on Sunday. We would be happy to bring Communion. Just call the parish office at (847) 234-0205 to make arrangements.

We are in need of more Ministers of Care. If you think God is calling you to this ministry, please contact Lore Nugent, Pastoral Associate, at or (847)582-2501.

Current Ministers of Care

Current Ministers of Care are needed to bring the Eucharist to Catholic Patients at Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital. If you are a current minister of care that has done the additional volunteer traning through Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital please sign up for a slot below.