About Our Parish

Church St. Mary Sketch in black.jpg

Dear Friends!

Hello!  I pray that you are growing in your faith and continue to live in God’s love.

I am glad that you have found the website of the Church of St. Mary in Lake Forest, IL. We are a Catholic parish located in Vicariate 1 of the Archdiocese of Chicago. We offer faith formation opportunities for individuals and families of all ages. 

Our parish ministries include our three-time nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School for children in PreK-2 through 8th grade. We have a wonderful Religious Education program for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. We offer a variety of enrichment opportunities for Catholics of all ages to continue to grow and deepen their relationship with God and the love of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, and Savior. 

Perhaps you are a visitor or are from out of state joining us in prayer through our streamed Masses every day of the week. Perhaps you are a new resident of Lake County and are looking for a Catholic Church to attend and become involved in. Perhaps you are a long-time parishioner of the Church of St. Mary, looking for information on the many activities and events that are being offered in the coming days. I am glad that you are making a virtual connection with the church and pray that you will make a more concrete and physical connection with parishioners and staff.

Please reach out to me or to another member of the Church of St. Mary pastoral staff if there is a way that we can serve you.

May God continue to guide you and bless you. May you trust in God’s active presence in your life and world.

God’s peace be with you this day!


Fr. Mike Nacius Pastor, Church of St. Mary mnacius@churchofstmary.org

Fr. Mike Nacius
Pastor, Church of St. Mary


Mission Statement of the Church of St. Mary

The Church of St. Mary is a Catholic community centered on Jesus Christ present in the celebration of the Eucharist. We are guided by the Holy Spirit and the apostolic teaching of the universal Catholic Church. We are committed to lifelong Catholic formation for every parishioner including a parish school and religious education for all young people. We worship and glorify God through prayer, Scripture, participation in the sacraments, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, active charity and justice, and the advancement of the common good.

Parish Location

Parish Center

201 E. Illinois Road, Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-0205

Church of St. Mary

175 E. Illinois Road, Lake Forest, IL 60045


For questions or inquiries related to the Parish Calendar, please email parishcalendar@churchofstmary.org.

For bulletin questions or requests, please send an email to bulletin@churchofstmary.org

For any other questions, please  Contact Us!