From the Desk of Fr. Mike

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April 28, 2024

     Alleluia, Jesus is truly risen, Alleluia.

We refrained from singing Alleluia during the forty days of Lent. With joyful hearts, we have been singing and living Easter joy since we celebrated Jesus’ victory over sin and death on March 31, Easter Sunday. For fifty days, from Easter to Pentecost, from March 31 to May 19 we live and share the victory won by Jesus, on the cross, for our salvation.

As Easter people we are to live our faith and share our faith with everyone we encounter, everyone we meet, and each person God places in our lives. When we come together with other believers to share in the Eucharist, to participate in the Mass, we gather as the “Body of Christ”. When the Mass has ended, we are sent forth, to live out the commission to be Jesus Christ to the world.

The liturgical year is filled with feasts and seasons to guide our prayer, as we grow in friendship and relationship with Jesus. We bless throats, we distribute ashes, we receive palm branches, and communion is offered to us. How would you answer the question, “When does the entrance procession begin at Mass?” Would you say when the altar servers, lector, deacon, and priest walk down the main aisle? Would you say when you and your loved ones leave your homes, walk or drive to the church, and arrive at St. Mary’s? I would give both answers.

Processions have a rich tradition in the Roman Catholic Church. Across the globe, people of faith participate in a variety of processions, honoring saints and celebrating their faith. We will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 2. Following the Noon Mass we will offer a Eucharistic procession for parishioners, friends, and neighbors. You are invited and welcome to participate.

The procession allows us to give public witness to our faith while, at the same time, it allows us to reflect on our parish community. The Blessed Sacrament will be carried in a monstrance, a liturgical vessel, through the streets of Lake Forest, reminding us that Jesus, in the Eucharist, always radiates His love and grace out into the world and into our lives. I hope that we will have many parishioners participating in this procession. I pray that all parishioners of St. Mary’s will continue to share with others in conversation all that we believe about the Eucharist, Jesus Christ, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, present in the Eucharist. And sharing how the Eucharist continues to transform our lives as we deepen our relationship with Jesus.

The procession will leave from the Church of St. Mary, down Green Bay Road, south to Vine Avenue. We will process east on Vine Avenue to Western Avenue. We will process down Western Avenue back to Illinois Road. We will then process west on Illinois Road, returning to St. Mary’s for a final prayer and benediction. Please reach out to Deacon Jack or Deacon Bob for more information about the Eucharistic Procession on June 2 following the Noon Mass.

Earlier this month a meeting was held with parishioners beginning the conversation of how we can “give thanks to God” for 150 years of faith being shared and lived at St. Mary’s. The next meeting of the 150th Anniversary planning committee will be held on Tuesday, May 21. Join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Conference Room to discuss and plan our anniversary celebration as faith-filled followers of Jesus, our Risen Lord.

I am returning to the parish late on Sunday, April 28 from an out-of-state wedding. I was privileged to be asked to witness the vows between Kalie and Brian. Kalie is the youngest daughter of some good friends, one of three daughters, and the third wedding I was able to participate in for my friends. Recently the only brother was engaged. Something tells me I may be celebrating another wedding for my friends in the future. Stay tuned for more information.

I want to thank Fr. McMahon for serving the parish while I was out of town for the wedding, and Fr. Radley is chaperoning our 8th graders from the School of St. Mary on their spring trip to Washington, DC. Fr. Dennis Zalecki - Fr. Radley’s first pastor - and Fr. Kartje are also celebrating Mass this weekend with the parishioners.

Next week, we will be needing more hosts and wine for our weekend Masses. Saturday, May 4, is the celebration of First Holy Communion for our second graders. In this year of Eucharistic Revival may the families of our children draw upon the graces offered in receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass.


May God bless us with prayerful, compassionate, and joyous hearts this Easter season,


Past Letters: