Bereavement Ministry

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 “I am the Resurrection and the Life,
those who believe in me, though they should die, 
will come to life and those who are alive 
and believe in me will never die.”

When a member of the Body of Christ dies, we are called to a ministry of consolation.  The Church calls us to care for the dying, to pray for the dead, and to comfort those who mourn.  As a people of faith, we believe that God created each person for eternal life and that as Christ was raised from the dead we too will be raised to glory.

The Bereavement Ministry serves the parish by lovingly and compassionately assisting parishioners in planning and celebrating the funeral Mass for their deceased relatives or friends.  This includes the selection of the readings and the music along with finalizing the many other details associated with the Mass of Christian Burial.  This team of ministers also helps to plan and celebrate the annual All Souls’ Mass each November 2 in honoring the faithful departed. 

The Bereavement Ministry offers funeral Mass pre-planning services to interested parishioners.  To learn more about this ministry, please contact Lore Nugent, Pastoral Associate or (847) 582-2501.